"My Neighbor Totoro" is a heartwarming and exciting animated film that follows the adventures of two young sisters, Satsuki and Mei, who move to the countryside with their father to be closer to their mother, who is hospitalized with a long-term illness.
My Neighbor Totoro
Story line
As the girls explore their new surroundings, they discover a magical world inhabited by forest spirits known as "Totoros." These lovable creatures, who can only be seen by children, lead the sisters on a series of thrilling and whimsical adventures.
Throughout the film, the sisters encounter a variety of Totoros, from the small and playful Chibi Totoro to the giant and awe-inspiring Catbus. Together, they explore the depths of the forest, climb trees, and soar through the sky on the back of the Catbus.
As they spend time with the Totoros, Satsuki and Mei also learn important lessons about family, friendship, and the power of imagination. And as their mother's health improves, the family comes together to celebrate her homecoming in a joyous and unforgettable finale.
Japanese voice actor
Noriko Hidaka
English voice actor
Lisa Michelson
Japanese voice actor
Chika Sakamoto
English voice actor
Cheryl Chase
Japanese voice actor
Shigesato Itoi
English voice actor
Greg Snegoff
Japanese voice actor
Sumi Shimamoto
English voice actor
Alexandra Kenworthy
Japanese voice actor
Hitoshi Takagi
Japanese voice actor
Toshiyuki Amagasa
English voice actor
Kenneth Hartman
Japanese voice actor
Tanie Kitabayashi
English voice actor
Natalie Core
Japanese voice actor
Naoki Tatsuta
English voice actor
Carl Macek